In June 2008, OeEB invested EUR 30 million in the European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE). Since then, OeEB has continuously increased its stake and currently holds shares of around EUR 75 million. A new investment of EUR 20 million was signed in March 2023.

Project name European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE)
Region Southeast Europe
Sector Financial sector / Microfinance / SME
Service Investment Finance
OeEB project volume EUR 75 million
Fund domicile Luxembourg
Project partner(s) European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE)

EFSE is a micro-finance fund which provides loans to micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Southeast Europe and the South Caucasus region via local finance institutes.

EFSE's investments and the work of the EFSE Development Facility are instrumental in further developing local financial sectors, strengthening the business environment and broadening access to financial products.

OeEB's investment in EFSE makes an important contribution to meeting the capital requirements of the fund and thus to promoting and stabilizing the economic development of the region.

Since its inception in 2005, EFSE has grown to be one of the largest development finance funds in the world with a total capital of nearly EUR 1 billion.

How does EFSE create Impact?
How does EFSE create Impact?

More about the project:

OeEB Business Advisory Services funds for EFSE-Development Facility

OeEB investment in EFSE First Loss Tranche