With global population and eonomies growing, demand for reliable infrastructure is increasing as well. Maintaining the functionality of existing infrastructure systems is therefore just as essential as investing in new and, above all, sustainable infrastructure. As public budgets are limited, the private sector is becoming more and more important in the development of new infrastructure systems. 

Sustainable infrastructure for a vibrant economy

A functioning and reliable infrastructure is an indispensable prerequisite for global economic development. However, guaranteeing this across the board in developing and emerging countries is a major challenge. It is precisely in these countries that the need for modern infrastructure systems is by far the greatest. The World Bank estimates that USD 1.5 trillion per year will be needed to achieve the SDGs. OeEB wants to start here and make its contribution to improving living conditions in its target countries.

OeEB's focus on infrastructure & industry

Due to the high demand, the increasing importance of the private sector in this focus area and the need to share the risks of larger projects among the development banks, the 2024-2028 strategy period focuses intensively on infrastructure and industry going forward. We will limit our activities to financing private, economic infrastructure (as opposed to public, social infrastructure such as public schools, hospitals, etc.).

Specifically, we want to offer financing for the following types of infrastructure:

  1. Sustainable transport infrastructure 
  2. Information and communication infrastructure 
  3. Critical infrastructure, especially as regards the reconstruction of Ukraine in conjunction with DFIs such as EBRD or IFC. 

When engaging in infrastructure-financing projects, we pay particular attention to sustainability, quality, climate protection and sustainable planning across the entire project life cycle.

Support for industrial, private companies

Furthermore, we will support industrial, private companies in making the investments which are necessary to tap into their market potential and thus create added developmental value such as jobs and local income. In doing so, we will focus on supporting companies which invest in environmentally friendly, forward-looking technologies and thus contribute to a green transition.

OeEB endeavors to involve suitable Austrian companies in the respective projects and in cooperation with the Austrian Economic Chamber in order to increase the business activities of Austrian companies abroad and at the same time to place Austrian know-how from e.g. suppliers and consulting service providers on international markets. Austrian companies have a great deal of knowledge and expertise in these areas. The private infrastructure projects we support can result in attractive project participation opportunities for companies at various levels.

Our contribution to the SDGs

Our projects in the focus area "infrastructure and industry" make a direct contribution to SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure.