The following list provides an overview of the standards, policies and position papers that we use in our work.

OeEB Strategy 2024-2028

In our strategy 2024-2028 we have chosen the fields of green finance, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and financial inclusion, private infrastructure and industry, and gender equality as our focus areas. We are committed to Paris Alignment at project and portfolio level and aim to strengthen our activities in Africa and Least Developed Countries.

Policy Paper Additionality

In ourAdditionality policy paper, we describe our understanding of additionality and explain how it is integrated into our investment processes.

Policy Paper Paris Alignment

In our policy paper, we describe how we will review all new activities for compatibility with the Paris Agreement, achieve a climate-neutral portfolio by 2040, contribute to international climate finance, advance the work of fellow DFIs and clients, and optimise internal processes.

Policy Paper Human Rights

In our Human Rights Policy Paper, we clarify our position and explain how we incorporate human rights into our environmental and social management and what expectations we have of our portfolio companies.

Policy Paper Technical Assistance

In our Technical Assistance policy paper, we describe how we intend to use our TA offering to strengthen the development impact of our projects, deepen the additionality of our financing and support the transformation path of our partners.

Environmental, Social and Human Rights Standards

The protection of the environment and the social compatibility of the projects we finance are fundamental to us. In addition to local and national regulations, we apply international environmental, social and human rights standards to our projects.
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EDFI Principles for Responsible Finance

As part of the European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI), OeEB applies the jointly adopted principles for responsible financing.

EDFI Harmonized Exclusion List

The European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI) sector exclusion list defines those activities and areas that we do not finance.

EDFI Statement on Climate and Energy

As part of the European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI), OeEB is committed to aligning all financing decisions with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Investments in fossil fuels shall be excluded by 2030.

OeEB's position on tax good governance

Tax revenues are an important driver of economic development. Our position paper sets out how we assess the tax responsibility of the projects we finance and is aligned with the EDFI Principles for Responsible Tax in Developing Countries.

Operating Principles for Impact Management

The Operating Principles for Impact Management were launched in 2019. They represent a common market standard for impact investing and provide investors with a framework for designing and implementing their impact management systems.
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Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct of OeKB bank group, which OeEB is part of, describes our basic values and standards for ethical business conduct.

Contact us

Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB
T +43 1 5331200-0
F +43 1 5331200-5252