Legal notice for as well as the company profiles of OeEB on and

Disclosure under section 25 Austrian Media Act as well as under section 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act

Service Provider, Media Owner and Publisher

Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB)
1010 Vienna, Strauchgasse 1-3
Tel.: +43 1 533 1200-0
Fax: +43 1 533 1200-5252
Commercial Registry Number: FN 304601v, Commercial Court of Vienna
VAT-ID No.: ATU 63944539
LEI: 529900E6JZYYJ2O1OA64

Authorization:  Licensed Credit Institution in accordance with Section 1 of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG)

Applicable Commercial and Professional Law Regulations

The activities of OeEB are subject to, in particular, the Austrian Banking Act (BWG) and the Export Guarantees Act (AusfFG). These regulations can be accessed at:

Executive Board

Sabine Gaber
Steffen Suhany

Supervisory Board


Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft (100 %)
Registered Office: 1010 Vienna, Am Hof 4, Austria
Commercial Registry Number: FN 85749b, Commercial Court of Vienna, Austria,

Basic Activity

The Web server of Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB) is a public, up-to-date service and information medium.


All rights reserved. Reproduction of text or data, including storage or use on optical or electronic media, is only permitted if and to the extent agreed contractually or with the prior written consent of Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB). Any use of data by unauthorised third parties, including its entry into online services, databases or websites, is prohibited. 


While the information on the websites of OeEB is continuously checked to ensure it is up to date, complete and correct, it is possible for errors to occur or for content to have changed in the meantime. Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB) is not liable for any direct or indirect or other damages resulting from incorrect or delayed contents of this webpage or from actions taken in reliance on any information obtained either directly or indirectly from the website. Any decision based on information contained in the website is the sole responsibility of the visitor. Nothing in this website or any materials provided here shall be construed, implicitly or explicitly, as representing any legal or investment advice. Instead, the website, materials, documents and their contents are provided solely for informational purposes.

OeEB excludes any liability in respect of the content of websites to which a link exists from this website or which provide a link to this website.

Supervisory Authority

Financial Market Authority (FMA), 1090 Vienna, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5,


Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Banking and Insurance Section, 1045 Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, Austria,

Image rights

Christina Häusler, Women's World Banking, Grassroots Business Fund, Finance in Motion, ProCredit, Chims Africa, Shutterstock, Pixabay

Consulting on concept & website design

FONDA - Interaktive Medien und Kommunikation GmbH


OeEB reserves the right to change or amend the information provided without prior notification.


As of August 2022

Contact us

Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB
T +43 1 5331200-0
F +43 1 5331200-5252